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Board of Finance Minutes 06/19/2012
Minutes of the Board of Finance meeting held on Tuesday, June 19, 2012 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall.
~Present:~~~~~~~~~ Regular Members:  Andrew Russell, Christopher Kerr,
 Janet Sturges, David Woolley
Alternate Members:~ Anne Coburn, Bob Jose

Bonnie Reemsnyder, Ex-Officio
                Nicole Stadjuhar, Finance Director
Absent:~~~~~~~~~~~ Regular Members:~ Wayne Devoe, H. P. Garvin, III
   ~~~~~~~~~Alternate Members:~  David Kelsey

Guests: Randi Frank, Randi Frank Consulting, LLC
                Mark Kramm, Mark Kramm Associates
                Ed Adanti, Old Lyme Public Works Director


Mr. Russell called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  Mr. Russell stated that two regular members are absent this evening.  A motion was made by Mr. Woolley, seconded by Mr. Kerr to have Mr. Jose vote for Mr. Garvin and Mrs. Coburn vote for Mr. Devoe in their absence.  Motion carried.   

Because of guests present, a motion was made by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mr. Woolley to move the Public Works road discussion up on the agenda.  Motion carried.

Public Works Road Discussion

Mr. Adanti explained that during the year he watches the condition of the roads that are scheduled for repair and repaving and develops a five year plan based on his findings.  Occasionally, the priority list of roads shifts depending on the condition of the roads slated, which means that he sometimes changes the order of the roads scheduled for repair.

A motion was made by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mrs. Coburn to approve Mr. Adanti to spend the remaining funds in the Capital Road Projects on roads of more need than others on the schedule.

Presentation by Randi Frank

Ms. Frank highlighted the basic procedures compiling and developing the classification and compensation study.  The project included orientation meeting with Town Officials and Town employees covered in the study to explain project activities and objectives.  Position duties and responsibilities (essential fnctions) were reviewed utilizing questionnaires and onsite interviews.

Board of Finance Meeting                                                                        June 19, 2012

Updated job descriptions were prepared after review and comment from the affected employees, their supervisors, the Finance Director and the First Selectman.  Then positions were rated and assigned to grade levels based on a system of objective evaluation.  A salary schedule was established using comparative salary data.  Guidelines for updating and maintaining the position classification and compensation plan were presented.  

Presentation by Mark Kramm

Mark Kramm of Kramm Associates gave a Power Point presentation highlighting the process and results of Information Technology study for the Town.  He reviewed the asset catalog, current state diagrams, and recommendations.  Key features captured were operating systems, hardware, virus protection, security, networks, software, etc.  Also included were sample salaries and job descriptions for both an IT Network Administrator and a Help Desk Technician.

Financial Reports

Mrs. Stajduhar highlighted the May 2012 Financial Report notes for the Revenues, stating that the total collections of property taxes was $123,707 and all tax line items are over 100% collected.  Beach stickers collected $6,300 and the Sound View parking lot collected $14,800, which included street parking.  State Grants (ECS grant) of $302,792 was received during May.

Mrs. Stajduhar highlighted some of the Expenditures, which include WPCA $3,630 attorney fees for WPCA meeting attendance, research of waste water areas and preparation of materials.  Public Works expenditures include $8,165 paid for 27.65 miles of center line road painting, as well as Fuel to fill up tanks (3100g @ 3.789/gallon for unleaded and 2600g @ $3.539/gallon for diesel).  Public Works road blacktopping paid $4,900 for paving of Hawks Nest Beach, Center Beach patch, and Champlain Rd. apron and $4,666 for material.  Under Parks and Recreation, contracted services reimbursed RSD18 $3,465 for custodial services for fall/winter programs.  Town Woods Park Non-contracted ground services paid $2,230 for seed and $7,130 to Country Lawn & Landscape for services.

Transfers Out included Revaluation - $10,000, Landfill-$100,000, and Open Space-$75,000.  Capital Emergency Management paid $2,920 for repairs/maintenance/testing of antenna/cables on town, to be reimbursed by EM grant agencies.

Minutes of May 21, 2012

The minutes of the May 21st meeting were reviewed.  
Board of Finance Meeting                                                                        June 19, 2012

There being no corrections noted, a motion was made by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mrs. Coburn and passed unanimously to approve the minutes as written.  Mrs. Sturges abstained. Motion carried.

Old Business

Mrs. Reemsnyder spoke about the contract specifications for the Town Woods sports fields.  She highlighted the present contract between Country Lawn and the Town.
A motion was made by Mr. Kerr and seconded by Mrs. Sturges that the Board of Finance recommend to extend Country Lawn & Landscapes contract for the next three years based on his experience, dedication and perseverance on behalf of the town and the excellent job he has done thus far.  Motion carried.

New Business

Nothing to report.

Selectman’s Office

Town Woods maintenance received the first application of aeration and overseeding and the line item for Town Woods field maintenance is overspent.

BOS voted against plowing private roads.  WSB asked if the town would be willing to plow only the main throughway to the town parking lot (White Sand Beach Rd.).  They would have to remove the speed bumps.  A policy for paving is in the works.

The Big Y Grocery Store sent a team of employees to Town Hall to perform community service.  The community project included weeding and mulching around the back of Town Hall.  Mrs. Reemsnyder expressed her gratitude to the volunteers for a job well done and to the Big Y for this wonderful community service.

The LCRVCOG (Lower CT River Valley Council of Governments) has formally been established.  Presently, the COG is looking for a new location in the area.

The Old Lyme Town Rangers have been doing a great job. There was a discussion on the swim lines and boating safety along the swim area.

Permitted parking lot fees were increased by 50% and from that increase, the town paid for “beach rules” signs for each lot, to make all signage uniform in the beach area.

Board of Finance Meeting                                                                        June 19, 2012

Landfill closure went out to bid and 7 bids were received with low bid being $1,035,970 and the high bid was $2,199,570.30.  A contract was signed with ET&L Construction Corp from MA.  Presently, ET&L are completing a landfill closure in Haddam and will be moving their equipment to Old Lyme and start in mid-July.  Anticipated completion is by the end of October.

Harbor management dredging documents draft ready and should be going out to bid soon.  Feasibility and permitting is what they are focusing on.  $200,000 is the grant money.

Rogers Lake dam project is ongoing.  Better update coming next month.

There is a Blood Drive being held at Town Hall on July 3rd from 1:30 to 6pm.  There is a senior at the High School who has been diagnosed with Leukemia and she is encouraging attendance to this worthwhile cause.

Midsummer festival is scheduled for July 27th and 28th.  CRERPA is making available large recycling containers to use at the festival.

Mrs. Reemsnyder reported that she attended a seminar today put on by CL&P, in preparation for a statewide drill.  The drill will be on July 30th and 31st, with a mock storm the size of the Hurricaine of 1938.   There are many steps necessary in preparation of a statewide drill.  Dave Roberge, the Emergency Management Director, will be outlining the Town’s role in being well-prepared.

The construction of a wall and an outside door is being built in the old Probate Court area on the lower level.  Social Services is slated to operate from that space starting July 1st with Ruth Roach working 9 hours a week as the Social Service Coordinator.  A part-time Administrative Assistant is being hired to replace Marilyn Swaney, who is retiring on July 29th.  $8,600 has to be shifted from the health line to the IT line, as IT hourse will increase from 15hrs/wk, to 21hrs/wk.  The Tax Collector has re-hired Toni O’Connell to work part-time in the Tax Office.

Mrs. Sturges announced that there will be a band concert on the July 15th to celebrate the completion of Church Corner.  The Old Lyme Town Band will be performing on the lawn on South Green and it is suggested to all to bring a blanket and a picnic and enjoy the evening.

Mr. Russell stated that the next Board of Finance meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 17, 2012 at 7:30 p.m.  

A motion was made by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mrs. Sturges to adjourn the regular meeting at 9:54 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Michele Hayes-Finn